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          Welcome and thank you for visiting this site. The list of songs below are free to download.

          No strings attached. All of this music is personal to me, each song has it's purpose and

          meaning. I've tried to describe each song below and why it was written. When I read His

          word, in combination with my own personal experiences, it just seems natural to express 

               what I see, feel and learn through music.  Please remember, these songs were not

          professionally recorded and are a little messy. I'm sitting in front of a computer with a mic

           and a guitar or mandolin, with a few tracks available for harmony while banging on my

            guitar for percussion, and always struggling to hit the notes. Writing is the place I go to

          reset, to get back to center and to remain in His word. I will continue to add songs as I this

                                                           journey this life with my Father.



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