past tense: ransomed ; past participle: ransomed
*obtain the release of (a prisoner) by making a payment demanded.
*hold (a prisoner) and demand payment for their release.
*release or redemption of (a prisoner) after receiving payment.
*synonyms: release, free, deliver, liberate rescue, unfetter.
For years, my life had been a self centered race to accomplish my own plans and goals regardless. I grew up in the Lutheran Church, and if asked, of course I was a Christian. But even then, I truly had know idea what it meant to be a Christian, nor did I ever really know the story of Christ, the true purpose of His sacrifice or the true meaning of His conquering death.
After loosing a business that I started and invested more than a decade of my life to, followed by a divorce which also affected two young wonderful children who were then moved 1,400 miles away, and then my Father's death, I was broken.
For several years, I searched for something, anything I could hold on to that would help me understand or even explain what and why my life was falling apart. I finally woke up and realized that it was me. I needed God, and not only was I not a Christian, I was a hypocrite and a sinner
I was a prisoner in this world.​
I was a prisoner to this world.
I want to share with you, my redemption through my songs. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from being the man that I want to be and
who my Father is teaching me to be. At least now, I know the path I need to travel and the one true God I need to continually seek.
For more than 20 years, I have been following Christ. My walk with Him has been hard, yet wonderful. Freeing but extremely convicting. And just like the lost sheep or the prodigal Son, God has never given up on me. I can't imagine living in this world without Him.
I've played guitar my whole life. It's always been my way of expressing my feelings and thoughts. Now, it's my way of sharing my faith with anyone who wants to listen. I'm not interested in standing on a stage or hearing myself on the radio. Just want you to know that I'm just like you, pushing through this life and searching for the truth and someone to hold on to when the storms blow and the arrows fly.
Jim Elliott, an American Missionary once prayed;
Lord, make me a crisis man.
Bring those I contact to decision.
Let me not be a milepost on a single road.
Make me a fork. That men must turn one way
or another on facing Christ in me.
I've been ransomed, thank you Jesus.
Thank you for visiting!